If you missed today's livestream, or simply want to watch it again, your replay is below.  It includes...

Q&A regarding moving all Fall 2021 In-Person Retreats to Zoom Online

  • How The Chi Center came to the decision to close the Retreat Center in New Mexico this Fall for health and safety reasons
  • How to work with change, disappointment, and sadness
  • How Master Mingtong and the Team are creatively designing the Online Retreat — so that attendees world-wide will have the best online experience and benefits possible
  • What to do next
Ideas for making your Online Retreat Special:

Think Outside the Box

If staying at home during your Online Retreat feels challenging, I'd like to invite you to design-your-own Retreat by … 

1. Renting a AirBnB somewhere in Nature for your retreat

2. Hiring a delivery service like Door Dash to deliver food from different restaurants every night

3. Really treating yourself to a special time-away even if it’s a "stay-cation" in your local area!


Set Up Sacred Space
Make a special space at to connect online that supports your experience. Have a comfortable place to sit, and to stand with room enough to move your arms for practice. Also have a comfortable place to lie down as needed and for chi naps. It is preferable that your space is in one room, but this is not essential. Just try to minimize the amount of moving around your house during the online sessions so that you are better able to stay focused and relax into the chi field.

And remember to have cozy blankets and pillows with you, too. It's all about being relaxed and comfortable, to support your concentration.


Nourish Yourself in All Ways
Think of this as a personal expansion of your capacity to take good, loving care of yourself! The time you would have spent traveling to The Chi Center may now be spent preparing your home and food for your retreat. Make the preparation joyful!

This is a special time set aside for your own dedicated healing. It takes a lot to summon the strength for a Retreat. We understand!

You may choose to dedicate your food preparation to the highest benefit for all life, for the nourishment of every soul on our planet, to receive exactly what is needed for our collective, continuous healing.

Check out your personal Retreat Course in your Library for even more tips! 

—Your Retreat Team
